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GA-26 ” Sketch ” by Taiwanese Artist
台 灣 藝 術 家 GA-26″ Sketch ” 畫 作
台灣 灰泥 礦物顏料 壓克力顏料
江耿慧 @gengeng.studio
30F (91 x 72.5 cm)
有機的邊緣覆上塗料 微微透出底色
創造流動的軌跡 在可控與不可控間
如同歲月刻痕 刻劃在畫面當中.
Taiwan, Plaster, Acrylic, Mineral Pigments on Canvas
Chiang Geng Hui@gengeng.studio
30F (91 x 72.5 cm)
The organic edges are covered with paint
Slightly revealing the underlying color
By the thickness of the paint and scratches
Create a flowing trajectory between controllable and uncontrollable
Like the carvings of time, carved into the painting.