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| SOLD OUT |French 19th Stand Pedestal

法 國 19th 橡 木 展 示 檯

法國 , 橡木
L 29 W 29 H 93.5 cm
底部 L 42 W 42 cm
特色在於其螺旋狀的柱身 雕刻細緻
底部的三足結構 為其提供穩定性
尺寸適合展示藝術品 雕塑
或是 盆栽 花器

French , Oak
L 29 W 29 H 93.5 cm
Bottom L 42 W 42 cm
An elegant French oak display stand distinguished
by its spiral column design with intricate carvings.
The tripod base provides stability, and its dimensions are perfect for displaying artworks,
sculptures, or vases, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.